Invited Speakers

And there will be the opportunity to present a contributed talk!

Aim of the Conference

The conference "Groups and their actions: algebraic, geometric and combinatorial aspects" will be held at the BellaVista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme, Italy between June 3nd and 7th 2024.
The aim of the conference is to bring together experts and young researchers working on different aspects of group actions to interchange ideas, with special emphasis on learning about each other's viewpoints. For example, on one hand during the last century representation theory has built a rich toolbox for actions on modules, while on the other hand, for instance the study of monoidal categories and tensor triangular geometry introduced a quite different point of view. Recently group actions on more general algebraic, geometric and combinatorial objects, in the form of a plethora of moduli spaces and associated invariants, have given new perspectives. The presentation of these various aspects and their interaction is the main idea of the conference.

There will be the possibility for participants to present a contributed talk. Please indicate when registering, if you would be interested to do so. We have some limited funding available to support the participation of early career researchers.


The talks will begin Monday morning, June 3rd, and finish on Friday June 7th around noon. Arrival is expected on Sunday June 2nd and departure on Friday June 7th or on Saturday June 8th.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and write to us:


Geoffrey Janssens (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Martina Lanini (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
Leo Margolis (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Mima Stanojkovski (Università di Trento, Italy)

With the local help of:
Dario Antolini and Emanuele Di Bella

  • The conference photo can now be downloaded.
  • Here is a list of restaurants and activities in Levico prepared by our local organizers.
  • Packed lunches are available. If one of the days you would like to receive your lunch in this way, notify the hotel stuff the previous day before 7pm.
  • The thermal baths of Levico have been opened 162 years ago.
  • Ariel Amsalem (University of Haifa, Israel)
  • Dario Antolini (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Caio Antony (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Diego Alberto Barcelo Nieves (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Gwyn Bellamy (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Léa Bittmann (University of Strasbourg, France)
  • Robert Boltje (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
  • Marco Calderini (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Giovanna Carnovale (University of Padua, Italy)
  • Sara Cebellan Debón (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Willem de Graaf (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Javier De Loera Chavez (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Mexico)
  • Emanuele Di Bella (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Florian Eisele (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Valerio Fedele (University of L'Aquila, Itlay)
  • Luca Francone (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
  • Maciej Galazka (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Martin Gallauer (University of Warwick, UK)
  • Diego García Lucas (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Yuval Ginosar (University of Haifa, Israel)
  • Giulia Iezzi (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
  • Geoffrey Janssens (UC Louvain, Belgium)
  • Thibault Juillard (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
  • Wolfgang Kimmerle (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Martina Lanini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
  • Yufei Li (Institut Montpelliérain A. Grothendieck, France)
  • Sugandha Maheshwary (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India)
  • Leo Margolis (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
  • Juan Martínez Madrid (University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Hugo Mathevet (Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)
  • Matteo Micheli (Sapienza (Rome), Italy)
  • Botond Miklósi (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
  • Christoforos Milionis (University of Bonn, Germany)
  • Sam Miller (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
  • Gholamhossein I. Moghaddam (University of Manitoba, Canada)
  • Nariel Monteiro (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)
  • Pietro Monticone (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Raphaël Paegelow (Université de Montpellier, France)
  • Margherita Paolini (Sapienza - Università di Roma, Italy)
  • Paul Philippe (Institut Camille Jordan, France)
  • Pierre-Guy Plamondon (Mathematics Laboratory of Versailles, France)
  • Ángel del Río (University of Murcia, Spain)
  • Barna Schefler (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)
  • Ofir Schnabel (Braude College of Engineering, Israel)
  • Mima Stanojkovski (University of Trento, Italy)
  • Peter Symonds (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Pavel Turek (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
  • Marco Vergani (University of Florence, Italy)


The registration has been closed on April 21st. If you have any doubts, please write to us:

There is only a limited number of places available for participants. For practical reasons all participants should lodge at the conference venue; it will not be possible to provide refreshments and meals for guests sleeping elsewhere (unless they are affiliated with the University of Trento). To be sure that no place is wasted, we count a registration as complete once the hotel has been officially reserved. Instructions on how to do this will be sent soon to the registered participants. Some of the rooms are only available as double rooms and we encourage the participants to share a room where this is not too restrictive.

Event schedule

You can download the abstracts of all talks at once in the abstract book below. A talk schedule is included on the last page and is also separately downloadable. There might still be some minor changes.

Abstract book (PDF)
Talk schedule (PDF)

Individual abstracts are also available in the online schedule on the right.

Some things I learned about permutation representations Abstract Slides
The Module structure of a Group Action on a Ring Abstract Slides
Minimal degenerations for quiver varieties Abstract Slides
Component groups of the stabilizers of nilpotent orbit representatives Abstract Slides
The lower central series of the unit group of an integral group ring Abstract Slides
Isomorphisms, automorphisms and torsion units of integral group rings of finite groups Abstract Slides
Blocks of group algebras over local rings Abstract Slides
Some questions on modular group algebras of finite p-groups Abstract Slides
From extension of groups to realization-obstruction of graded algebras and back Abstract Slides
Graded relations of crossed products Abstract Slides
Do we need all sylow p-subgroups to cover the p-elements of a group? Abstract Slides
Multiplicity-free induced characters of symmetric groups Abstract Slides
Continuum Braid group Abstract Slides
Linear degenerations of Schubert varieties via quiver Grassmannians Abstract Slides
Representations of G-posets and canonical Brauer induction Abstract Slides
The Complex Stable Representations of the General Linear Group over Finite Local Rings Abstract Slides
Infinite friezes of affine type D Abstract Slides
Affine Bruhat order and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials for p-adic Kac-Moody groups Abstract Slides
Nichols algebras over finite groups: old and new results Abstract Slides
The Procesi bundle over the Gamma-fixed points of the punctual Hilbert scheme in C^2 Abstract Slides
Surfaces with involutions and skew-group A-infinity categories Abstract
Minimal monomial lifting of cluster algebras and applications Abstract
Rationality of finite groups: groups with quadratic field of values Abstract Slides
The classification of the prime graphs of finite solvable rational/cut groups Abstract Slides
Chiralisation of reduction by stages Abstract Slides
Symmetric polynomials over finite fields Abstract Slides
On the Isomorphism Problem for group rings Abstract Slides
On endotrivial complexes and the generalized Dade group Abstract Slides
Division and Localization on Groupoid Graded Rings Abstract Slides
Seperating Noether number of finite abelian groups Abstract Slides


The conference venue is the BellaVista Relax Hotel Levico Terme. For practical reasons all participants should lodge at the conference venue; it will not be possible to provide refreshments and meals for guests sleeping elsewhere (unless they are affiliated with the University of Trento). The prices for the rooms are 122,50€/night for a single room and 107,50€/night for a shared double room. Prices include breakfast and lunch, but not dinner. These prices also include the tourism tax of 2,50€/night which must be paid at the venue directly.

Here are some links with interesting sites in Levico Terme and its surroundings.


Coordinates of the conference site:
BellaVista Relax Hotel
Via Vittorio Emanuele III, 7
38056 Levico Terme TN

The BellaVista Relax Hotel can be reached with a 20 minute walk from the railway station Levico Terme.

Getting from Trento to Levico Terme

To reach Levico Terme the easiest way is to reach Trento's railway station and take a train from there. The last train is at about 8pm on Sundays and 9pm during the week and they are frequent throughout the day. For the timetable check Trenitalia's webpage.

Getting to Trento

If you won't be reaching Trento by train, the following is a short list of possible airports you can travel to:

  • "Valerio Catullo", Verona (about 90 km from Trento). To get from this airport to Trento's railway station you can take a bus (running every 20 minutes) to the station of Verona Porta Nuova and then take a train from there to Trento (the timetable is again available on Trenitalia's webpage).
  • "Guglielmo Marconi", Bologna (about 200 km from Trento). To get from this airport to Trento's railway station you can take the Marconi express (running every 10 minutes) to the station of Bologna Centrale and then take a train from there to Trento (the timetable is again available on Trenitalia's webpage).
  • "Marco Polo", Venezia (about 150 km from Trento). To get from this airport to Trento the best, most direct way, is to take a Flixbus, which will leave you at a 10minutes walking distance from Trento's main station. Make sure to check the timetable and the availability of tickets before booking your flight. It is also possible to go another, more complicated way. You can take a shuttle bus to the station Venezia-Mestre and then take a train connection to Trento from there (direct trains are very rare!).
  • "Leonardo da Vinci", Roma-Fiumicino (about 600 km from Trento). To get to Trento from this airport you can first take the Leonardo express (non-stop service dedicated exclusively to airport passengers, departing every 15 minutes with travel time of about 30 minutes) to the station of Roma Termini and then a train to Trento (the timetable is again available on Trenitalia's webpage).
  • "Milano Malpensa", Milano (about 250 km from Trento). From this airport you can take the Malpensa express (dedicated to airport passengers) to the station of Milano Centrale and then a train to Trento (the timetable is again available on Trenitalia's webpage).
  • "Orio al Serio", Milano-Bergamo (about 180 km from Trento). To get from this airport to Trento the best, most direct way, is to take a Flixbus, which will leave you at a 10minutes walking distance from Trento's main station. Make sure to check the timetable and the availability of tickets before booking your flight.